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::artlead::Preparing for the soul-searching spiritual journey, millions of pilgrims from over 160 countries are expected to perform hajj this year.Every able-bodied adult Muslim -- who can financially afford the trip -- must perform hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam, once in their lifetime.Hajj is officially expected to fall between September 22 and 26, with the climax falling on September 23 when the faithful descend the Mount `Arafat.::/artlead::
Gaza Pilgrims Brace for Hajj Holy Journey | India Pilgrims Prepare for Spiritual Hajj | Pilgrim Circumambulate Ka`aba on Hoverboard | App Counts Pilgrims Tawaf in Makkah |
Grand Mosque To Get Fourth Floor of Mataf for Hajj | Buhari Ends Hajj Sponsorship | World Muslims Flock to Hajj | Saudi Launches First Multi-Language Hajj App |
Buhari Hails Free Hajj Services from Emirs | Saudi Women Get Role in Hajj Services | Hajj Challenges Russian Muslims | India Muslims Oppose Hajj Udhiyah Fees |
MERS Raises Saudi Fears Ahead of Hajj | Rickshaw Puller Saves Money for Hajj Dream | ICNA Seminar Prepares Pilgrims for Hajj | Grand Mosque To Get Fourth Floor of Mataf for Hajj |
Pakistan Pilgrims Prepare for Hajj | First Asian Pilgrims Arrive in Saudi Arabia | Ebola-Hit Guinea Denied Hajj Permits | Belgian Imam Urges Muslims Not to Observe Udhiyah |
Grand Mosque Expansion Accommodates 1.85 Million | No Hajj For Tajik Muslims Under 35 | Makkah's Holy Mosque Opens New Mataf | Makkah Received 26m Pilgrims in Ramadan |
Follow News Zone on: |
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::artsource::OnIslam Staff::/artsource::
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